Edit Sketch

Modificado/a el: mayo 14,2021  
Descargas: 1068  


Descripción:Edits the driving sketch of several features that don't support the Right-click>Edit Sketch workflow, including Hole Wizard and pattern features. View will be oriented normal to the sketch plane. If macro is activated while editing a sketch with nothing selected, it will orient normal to the sketch plane again. If already normal, the sketch is saved and exited.
    Condición previa: A feature selected driven by a sketch
  Condición posterior: Sketch opened for editing and view rotated normal
Versión de SOLIDWORKS: 2007
Lenguaje de programación: SW_VBA


Las macros pueden contener virus y otros riesgos de seguridad. SOLIDWORKS Corporation no ha comprobado que las macros que aparecen en este sitio son seguras y proceden de una fuente fiable.

Descargue la macro de SOLIDWORKS.


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Mahir Abrahim

Usuario desde: 27/02/2007
Título: Engineer
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