Save PDF, Dwg and Step with REVISION V1.0 (custom property Rev. in 2D model)

Modificado/a el: agosto 14,2023  
Descargas: 215  


Descripción:This macro, when launched in the design environment, will create subfolders within the directory where the files are, and will save the design as .pdf and .dwg, it will also save the file associated with the design file as .step, if the file has a revision the files will be saved with the revision exponent. Finally, all files will be saved in their respective folders.
    Condición previa: This macro works with an open drawing file, the drawing file must contain a drawing view. In order for the macro to save the files with the name and revision, the revision custom property must be inserted in the drawing file.
  Condición posterior: The macro to save only the part files as .step, this serves as a security measure so that huge assemblies are not saved and end up crashing the program.
Versión de SOLIDWORKS: Any
Lenguaje de programación: SW_VBA


Las macros pueden contener virus y otros riesgos de seguridad. SOLIDWORKS Corporation no ha comprobado que las macros que aparecen en este sitio son seguras y proceden de una fuente fiable.

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Matheus Piccolo

Usuario desde: 11/09/2012
Título: Designer
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